Club Membership (2023-2024) 5 of 7

5. Frequently Asked Questions

What is GMS?

RFU's Game Management System (GMS)
GMS is the RFU's/England Rugby's central database computer system through which players (and club members) are registered and can pay their club membership subscriptions. GMS is also used to hold various club related data such as records of registered players, coaches and referees, fixtures and results, and much, much more.

Tynedale RFC membership officials utilise GMS to administer membership details and payments but individual members can login to GMS themselves to directly take up/renew membership and make appropriate payments.

If you paid last season's membership by Direct Debit is there a need to do anything for this season's renewal?

ALL members need to renew their membership – even if paying by Direct Debt – memberships do not roll over. If you paid last season by Direct Debit you should not have to complete a new DD mandate however.

Do I need to be a member on the Club's website?

Just to complicate matters it should be pointed out that membership on the club's website simply applies to the website and NOT to the Club. (It allows you to see/do certain things on the website and receive weekly e-mails).

Does a Colts player take out ADULT Player Membership/Subscription or YOUTH Player Membership/Subscription?

The Colts Section are part of the Club's Senior Rugby Section so even though a Colts Player is under 18 at the start of the season he should take out ADULT Player Membership / Subscription.

Can I pay by BACS or Bank Transfer?
Yes - by arrangement with Ian Lewis

Can I pay over the bar at the Club?
Sorry, no - personal details need to be recorded & the till is not yet set up to handle (but we should look at if we can do it)

Can I pay by cash or cheque?
Yes by arrangement with Ian Lewis

As in previous years will there be a facility to pay at the opening 1stXV home match of the season on September 2nd?
Yes, Ian Lewis will have a membership tent to take payments & issue membership / subscription cards

If I want to join the club is there a form I should fill in?
A form is only required/necessary if GMS is NOT used to process your membership application/renewal.
Membership Application Form (Senior Section) - WORD Format
Membership Application Form (Senior Section) - PDF Format

If I join the club what can I expect to receive in terms of Membership Booklet/Card, Season Ticket etc and how will I receive them (by Post?)

Who do I talk to if I have any queries regarding membership?