Tynedale U16

Team info

Tynedale U16's

Boys aged under 16 (year 11) at the start of the season (September 1st) are eligible to play for the Under 16's.
Matches are full contact, 15-a-side and 35 minutes each way.
Fully competitive lifted lineouts are introduced....
Tynedale U16
Tynedale U16
Tynedale U16

About the team

Boys aged under 16 (year 11) at the start of the season (September 1st) are eligible to play for the Under 16's.
Matches are full contact, 15-a-side and 35 minutes each way.
Fully competitive lifted lineouts are introduced.
Training is 10:30am on Sunday at Tynedale Park.
We have an excellent and committed squad of players. New players are always very welcome.
Andrew Neal
Tynedale U16 Coach
Andrew Neal
07500 558180


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Team Sponsors

Commercial Partner - Meldrum Construction
Commercial Partner - GSC Grays
Sponsor - Allendale Brewery
Sponsor - George F White
Commercial Partner - Border Stone Quarries
Commercial Partner - Tynedale Beer & Cider Festival
Club Sponsor - Dane Allan's Schools
Club Sponsor - youngsRPS